Now taking Signups for the 2025 Season!

Make our farm - your farm

Our farm is about more than just growing good food. We also want to grow community and help people reconnect to their food and the land that produces it. Become part of our extended family by joining our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program! Our 20 week summer season runs from early June through mid-October. Below is some of what you can expect in your boxes throughout the season.


With the return of sunny days, new life greens up the farm. Expect shares to include items such as: lettuce, peas, beets, strawberries, arugula, and radishes.


During summer, all the large fruits are in season. Expect shares to be overflowing with items such as: tomatoes, zucchini, chard, kale, beans, peppers, and cucumbers.


As the temperatures start to drop, we welcome cool season crops. Expect items such as: winter squash, parsnips, broccoli, carrots, and salad mix.

Our 2025 csa SIGNUP is open!

Want to learn more about how our CSA works? Click here to learn more!

Our standard farm share boxes will include an average of 7 items this year. The price for the 20-week season is $600 with an add-on for one dozen eggs each week for $200. Pickup options include: Shelton Farmers Market (Sat 10-3), Olympia Farmers Market on Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun (10-3), South Sound Fresh in West Olympia (Thurs 2-6pm), and the Roosevelt Neighborhood in Seattle (Thurs 6-9). We will also offer home-delivery of our CSA through South Sound Fresh for an additional fee.

NEW THIS YEAR! We are adding a new CSA option - the Winter CSA Share! These shares will begin right after the summer CSA finishes in October and continue into January. We expect to skip a few weeks depending on the days the holidays fall on. You’ll receive a total of 12 weekly shares for $360 with the egg add-on option available again for another $120. The pickup choices are slightly different due to different farmers market dates in the winter. We’ll have a smaller number of these shares available as it is a new offering for us. You can use the same buttons below to reserve your spot today - just look for the Winter version rather than Summer!

Click on the buttons below to signup!