2018 Spring on the Farm
Spring Has Sprung!
Spring is here - and so are the April showers! We have been thankful for the mild March weather. It allowed us to get most of the spring planting done before the wet weather of the last week hit. So far, we have a two week head start on planting compared with last year! Now we just have to wait and see if that translates to earlier tomatoes and potatoes. Time will tell. How crazy would it be taste fresh 4th of July tomatoes! Fingers crossed for sunny weather!
Tomatoes are deep planted in the hoop house and are all set to start climbing the trellises once we get a few rays of sunshine. That is Darlene in the photo transplanting the tomatoes. She is our resident tomato and pepper expert and we affectionately refer to her as the Nightshade Lady. She will be authoring all the yummy recipes for the summer newsletter. We are in for a plethora of tasty treats and easy ways to make the most of the bounty of summer.
We have planted six varieties of heirloom potatoes. My son Jacob has decided to take on the potato project - this is a photo of him planting the potatoes out on March 25th. The first potatoes will be harvested by early July.
French Breakfast Radishes
With their mild flavor, this variety of radish is best treated simply. Make Radish Butter by chopping and stirring into softened butter. Add a little sea salt and some optional chopped chives. Delicious served at room temperature spread thickly on warm baguette slices. Don’t throw away the green tops! In the springtime they are very fresh and are slightly peppery and wonderful raw tossed with other mild lettuces in a salad.
Sproutini, or raab, can form on any overwintered brassica plant. It is the earliest spring green on the farm and it is so sweet and tasty. This year on the farm we have raab forming on overwinter collards, kale, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts. I love that they are available so early in the year when we are all craving something green and tender and tasty.
Raab, Mushroom, and Ricotta Pizza
With tomato season still a few months away, try making a different sort of pizza. Toss the sproutini (aka raab) in olive oil, lightly salt and roast at 425’F for a few minutes, just until wilted. Slice any type of mushroom, toss with olive oil (but don’t salt—it will draw moisture out of them and cause them to steam) and roast at the same temperature as the sproutini. The mushrooms will take longer, 15 or 20 minutes—you want them to lightly brown. Season with salt. Spread pizza dough with fresh ricotta and top with the vegetables. For additional flavor, stir chopped or roasted garlic and crushed red pepper flakes into the ricotta before spreading on the pizza. Bake at the highest temperature your oven will reach until the crust is crisp.
The bounty of summer is coming!
We still have a few spots left for our 2018 Summer CSA! We would love for you to be a part of our farm!
We are expanding our CSA this year offering more shares both in and around Mason County as well as the Seattle area. Our flock of egg laying chickens has also quadrupled, letting us offer the golden goodness to more people.
You can expect to find old-standbys (what would summer be without tomatoes and basil?) and new favorites (shishitos, anyone?) in your share, but the best part is that we grow varieties that you won’t find in the local grocery store and we pick the vegetables for you at the peak of their season.
Looking forward to an exciting season!
The Newest Farm Residents We have pigs! Meet Porky and Pudding (Yes - they have names). Bacon anyone? Whole and Half pig for sale at the end of May.
Pastured Laying Hens The hens are back out on the pasture and enjoying a view of South Mountain. We currently have 75 hens and ducks laying eggs and 50 pullets and 50 baby chicks. We are getting 30 dozen eggs a week and that will increase to 75 dozen by the end of the summer. Eggs anyone?
Spring is in full swing and summer is on its way here at the farm. We are excited to get the season underway! We will be at the Harstine Island Farmers Market this Saturday from 10-noon and at the Shelton Farmers Market starting May 5th from 9-2. We love meeting our customers at the Farmers Markets! Stop by and say hello!
Your SVF Farm Team